am dan axis

Canolfan therapi newydd sydd wedi ei leoli yng nghanol Bangor yw Axis Therapy Limited. Mae maes parcio cyfleus ger llaw.

Mae'r ganolfan yn darparu safle o'r safon uchaf i weithwyr gofal-iechyd proffesiynol a'i cleifion, mewn amgylchedd croesawgar a chefnogol.

Mae ystafelloedd therapi, cynghori a stiwdio ar gael llawn amser. Hefyd ar gael ar benwythnosau ar gyfer gweithdai a chyrsiau.

cysylltwch a axis

Os hoffech chi siarad ag ymarferydd neu wneud apwyntiad a fyddech cystal â chysylltu â’r therapydd perthnasol gan ddefnyddio eu manylion cysylltu ar y dde.

Os ydych angen gwneud ymholiad ynglyn â rhentu ystafell therapi a fyddech cystal â defnyddio’r ffurflen isod ac fe wnawn ni ymateb i’ch ymholiad mor fuan â phosib.

ymarferwyr axis

  • Clare Drew - Allergy & Massage Therapy07941 641597
  • Karen Martin - Podiatrist01248 714001
  • Arfon Physiotherapy - Physiotherapy01248 360999

    Mae Ffisiotherapi Arfon yn ganolfan o ragoriaeth gyda'i lleoliad ym Mangor (Gogledd Cymru) sy'n arbenigo mewn triniaeth gyflawn, ac adferiad o anhwylderau cyhyrysgerbydol.

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  • Rosemary Menelaou - Psychotherapist07780 861216
  • Tracey Joscelyn - Traditional Thai Massage01766 770610
  • Amy Holland-Rathmill - Advanced Aesthetics & Skincare Practioner07387 946161
  • Ffion Jones ‘TRAED’07841 775249

    "Fully Qualified Foot Health Practitioner. Some of the services available include; General Foot Care, Assessment and advice, Toenail Cutting, Callus Reduction, Corn Removal, Ingrown Toenail Treatment and Maintenance, Verruca Treatment, Fungal Nail, Thickened Nails. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for any further information."

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  • Rachel Williams - Psychotherapist07546 743238

    Hello, I'm Rachel and I have been a practicing therapist for over 13 years. I realise that accessing therapy may be daunting, even frightening so I aim to make it as calm, warm, safe and nurturing as possible.

    My belief is that healing from trauma is absolutely possible and use a variety of therapeutic approaches to best suit the client.

    I am qualified in Transactional Analysis, EMDR, CBT and like to use the IFS model as an approach as I find it amazingly transformational when working with clients: working with the different parts of the personality to find alignment and taking into consideration the emotional child parts and how to help them. With clients I consistently draw attention to how we hold trauma and past experiences somatically (in the body) and how that is inseparable from any experience we have in the present. Also, how emotional childhood experience links to a wealth of physical diseases and problems in adulthood.

    I am very experienced in seeing clients who bring a whole range of issues such as anxiety, depression, relationship problems, stress, abuse and many, many more.

    Together, we would work with a strong focus on the current issues and what has brought you to therapy, what needs to change in the present and how we can do that, whilst dealing with the causes of the struggle that are linked to past history. I like to make sure clients have a variety of coping techniques to help them cope with what they are going through in the present.

    I would love to meet you and find out what you want from therapy and devise a plan to achieve it.

  • Angharad Jones - Shiatsu and Holistic AcupressureInstagram

    Hi, my name is Angharad, and I am a qualified holistic acupressure therapist and final year shiatsu student. I offer a person-centred approach to my shiatsu practice and create a space for you to rest and restore your energy. Shiatsu is a practice that originates from Japan and is generally performed on a futon, fully clothed, on the floor. Where getting to the floor is not accessible, shiatsu can be performed in a chair or on a massage table. Through incorporating pressure, stretches, mobilisations and acupressure points shiatsu helps bring our awareness back to our body and to restore the body’s natural balance.

    Shiatsu and acupressure can help support general health and wellbeing as well as help manage stress, sleep problems, chronic pain, migraines, musculoskeletal issues, emotional wellbeing and menopausal symptoms.

    I combine my shiatsu practice with my experience and knowledge of over 10 years of working as a dancer within community practice where having a person-centred approach is at the heart of my practice. I am experienced in leading dance and movement sessions with people living with Parkinsons’s, dementia, people with additional learning needs as well as leading groups to support mental health and wellbeing.

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